Open House Party

November 07, 2005  ::  05:32 AM

Do you want to visit France? Do I know you very well? Do we only kind of know each other? Now is the perfect chance for us to become better friends. Why don’t you all come visit me in the sunny north? I live an hour train ride from Paris, 40 minutes from Brussels, four hours from Amsterdam, three hours from London, and of course a mere 20 minutes from Lille. This may be your only opportunity to stay for free in France with someone you know very well, or only slightly, who can speak some French and show you around. I only work two days a week which leaves many days for tour guiding. I have a spare bed, blankets, towels, and we can cook here so you can save money on food. Your only expense would be the plane ticket and a few train tickets, which if you want to go to Paris are only 40 EUR. Never in your life will you be able to vacation in France for under $1,000, it’s worth the possible credit card debt.

I’ve tried making friends here and they are disasters. So I’ve decided to import interesting people into the city of Valenciennes.
Email me (said email address can be found at the very bottom of this page, scroll, scroll, until you see my full name), tell when you would like to visit, I’ll ready the bed and warm cookies.

Poor poor lamb! Never should you resort to begging for friends.
You may reqret this call out. I have a feeling your humble abode will be packed!

Posted by gig
November 7, 2005 12:19 PM

Hey -- are you setting cars on fire and throwing ocktails into police officers' faces?

A little radio station I like to call NPR has been talking about some crazy riot shit going on around Paris for the last few weeks. I am curious as to your involvement...

Posted by emily
November 8, 2005 02:40 PM

ok. not "ocktails". I meant cocktails.

I wish I could see you in France tomorrow.

Posted by emily
November 8, 2005 02:41 PM

Oh gosh. Don't get me thinking about it.... too late... now I'll be thinking about it.

Posted by andrea
November 8, 2005 10:48 PM

It's dangerous that you're giving such an opportunity. What with me graduating in December and without any concrete plans, it looks mighty tempting.

Posted by brennen
November 17, 2005 07:29 AM

maybe I will come for my spring break....hmmm...

Posted by emily
November 23, 2005 07:39 PM

Meredith Adams-Smart
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